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"Every great journey starts with a single step, but it's the determination to keep walking that transforms dreams into reality."


At 6 Degrees, our mission is to revolutionize the way people find love and friendship by tapping into the power of mutual connections. We understand that in the digital age, creating meaningful relationships can often feel daunting and impersonal. That’s why we’ve designed our platform around the concept of mutual friends, offering a more natural, trust-based approach to online dating and social discovery. By connecting individuals through shared social circles, we not only foster a respectful environment and high compatibility but also ensure that every interaction is grounded in trust and a shared history. This unique approach enhances social integration, making the process of meeting new people seamless, comfortable, and enriched with the potential for deeper, more genuine connections.


Our vision extends beyond the immediate connections made on our platform. We believe that by facilitating relationships rooted in mutual respect, shared values, and trusted social networks, we are contributing to the broader fabric of human civilization. Each meaningful connection formed is a step towards a more cohesive, understanding, and supportive society. Our algorithm is designed to match individuals who are not just compatible in interests and lifestyles but also positioned within a social framework that enhances accountability, continuity, and the potential for lasting bonds. This, we believe, is essential for the success and progression of human civilization, as it reinforces the social ties that bind us together.


In essence, 6 Degrees is more than just a dating app; it's a movement towards a more interconnected and empathetic world. By prioritizing safety, respect, and genuine compatibility through mutual friends, we are not just facilitating love or friendship; we are nurturing a culture of understanding and respect. Our mission is to leverage the power of existing social networks to create a world where relationships are built on solid foundations, contributing to the wellbeing and success of individuals and, ultimately, the entire human civilization. Through each match, we are not just playing cupid; we are weaving the social fabric tighter, one connection at a time.


Our Journey So Far

February 2024


March 2024


March 2024


On the Horizon

Summer 2024


Summer 2024


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